Result of Existing Element
Element Code Element Name Action
15548 Penyakit Kronik
15547 Bilangan paracetamol yang diambil
15545 Tarikh sakit kepala
15543 Berapa bilangan kali sakit kepala
15542 Please select nursing diagnosis and enter Date & Time, Date and Time Start, Related To, Goals and Intervention for each Diagnosis
15541 Doctor Completed Form
15540 Nurse Transferring Patient
15539 #Date of Extubation will be the date of the most recent extubation
15538 *LOT - Limitation of life sustaining therapy
15537 Satisfied with handover
15536 Next of Kin Aware
15535 Primary Team Aware
15534 Physio
15533 Outstanding Investigations
15532 Dentures
15531 Recorded
15530 Latest RBS
15529 Pressure Areas
15528 Drain Sites
15527 Wounds
15526 Urine output > 0.5ml/kg/hr
15525 Date Of Insertion
15524 Catheter Site
15523 Last HD
15522 RRT
15521 CBD
15520 Infusion Type
15519 Temp
15518 CVP
15517 BP
15516 HR
15515 No. of Peripheral Lines
15514 CVL
15513 Aim SpO2
15512 Aim pO2
15511 Resp Rate
15510 Via
15509 Inner Canulla
15508 #Date of Extubation
15507 Trac. Tube Size
15506 Disability
15505 Change to chronic therapy
15504 PMH Operative Procedure Investigations History of ICU Stay
15503 Reason for Admission & Current Concern
15502 Situation
15501 LOT* Status
15500 Transferred to:
15499 Date & Time of Transfer:
15498 Date of ICU Admission:
15497 Musculoskeletal Description
15496 Abdomen / Genitourinary Description
15495 Respiratory Description
15494 Cardiovascular Description
15493 Nervous Description
15490 Neurological Investigation
15489 Obstructed Airway
15488 In severe dementia, they cannot do personal care without help.
15487 In moderate dementia, recent memory is very impaired, even though they seemingly can remember their pass life events well. They can do personal care with prompting.
15486 The degree of frailty corressponds to the degree of dementia. Commond symptoms in mild dementia include forgetting the details of a recent event, though still remembering the event itself, repeating the same question/story and social withdrawal.
15485 Scoring frailty in people with dementia
15484 Clinical Frailty Scale
15482 Not Intubated
15481 Behavioral Pain Score
15478 Inflammatory Markers
15477 ICU Day
15480 Subcutaneous
15479 Infusion
15476 Hand over Time
15492 Hand over Report
15475 Scale
15473 Cardiac Arrhythmia
15472 Perioperative Stabilization
15438 RVD
15437 Myasthenia Gravis
15436 Chronic Liver Disease
15435 Chronic Lung Disease
15434 Esrf
15433 Ptb
15432 CCF
15431 IDH
15426 Admitting Diagnosis
15409 Site
15407 Site
15441 Comment
15335 MRC
15440 Comment
15334 ECOG
15333 Functional Status and Dependance
15329 Diagnosis Upon Admission
15321 Reason for Admission
15320 Referred From
15319 Subspecialities
15318 Primary Discipline
15315 Indication for Audiological Assessment
15316 Requested By
15314 (L)
15313 (R)
15312 Tuning Fork Test Rinne
15311 Audiological Services Required
15310 Exomphalus: Potential infection Demo
15309 Care baby of Pneumothorax: Ineffective breathing pattern Demo
15301 Diabetic Education
15285 Other Relevant Information
15284 Employed (freetext)
15298 Immunology
15297 Clinical
15296 SLE Presentations
15295 Date Not Given
15294 Date Given
15293 Please Select
15278 Samples Labelled & Packed by
15291 History & Presenting Complaint
15289 Past Surgical & Obstetric / Menstrual History
15272 Termination of Resuscitation
15271 Transport
15266 Radiology Investigations
15265 Plan
15107 Trimester
15101 Designation
15280 Designation
15105 Designation
15099 Samples Labelled & Packed by
15103 Samples Labelled & Packed by
14910 Critical Onset
14880 Ascites / Free fluid
14879 Cervical Length
14795 Appears to 'sing'
14793 Starts to respond with vocalizations when called by name
14798 Type of Order Procedure
14794 Plays more games, e.g. peek a boo, hand clapping, etc. and vocalizes during games
14792 Repeats CV syllables in babble [pa pa]
14791 Vocalizes when alone or with others
14790 Vocalizes in response to speech
14789 Starts to use a variety of vocalizations to express pleasure and displeasure
14788 Blows raspberries, coos, yells
14787 Vocalizes in response to singing
14786 Vocalizes for needs and wants
14785 Occasionally vocalizes in response to voice-like sounds
14784 Begins to Localize to Express Pleasure
14783 Cries To Express Hunger and Anger
14782 Serum Creatinine
14781 Type of Examination
14780 Descriptive Report
14779 Contrast Volume
14778 Contrast Name
14777 Indication/Relevant Clinical Study
14776 Protocol
14775 Reporting Doctor
14774 Volume (Ml)
14773 Site
14768 If Apgar Score > 20 minutes
14719 Genitalia Examination
14652 Total
14653 Total
14654 Total
14655 Total
14656 Total
14657 Total
14658 Total
14659 Total
14660 Total
14661 Total
14662 Total
14663 Total
14664 Total
14665 Total
14666 Total
14667 Total
14668 Total
14669 Total
14670 Total
14671 Total
14672 Total
14673 Total
14674 Total
14675 Total
14676 Total
14677 Total
14678 Total
14679 Total
14680 Total
14681 Total
14682 Total
14683 Total
14684 Total
14685 Total
14686 Total
14687 Total
14688 Total
14689 Total
14690 Total
14691 Total
14692 Total
14693 Total
14694 Total
14695 Total
14696 Total
14697 Total
14698 Total
14699 Total
14700 Total
14701 Total
14702 Total
14703 Total
14704 Total
14705 Total
14706 Total
14707 Total
14708 Total
14718 Total
14650 Plan
14651 Plan
14575 Goal Setting
14574 Session Analysis
14573 Progress Summary
14569 Past Obstetrics History
14563 Remarks by Nurse
14562 Changes Medication
14560 Tear Film Assessment (Method)
14561 Tear Film Assessment (Method)
14558 Corneal Sensation (Method)
14559 Corneal Sensation (Method)
14556 CCT (Method)
14557 CCT (Method)
14555 Specify
14535 History & Physical Examination
14532 Volume
14533 Volume
14534 Volume
14530 Response Team
14474 Mission Abort
14473 Reroute
14472 Other Enhancement:
14471 Other Services Already at Scene
14470 Number of Patient at Scene
14469 Other Agency
14467 Type of Service Response
14462 Enroute
14463 At Scene
14464 At Patient
14465 Transporting
14461 Dispatch Time
14458 Position Of Cervix
14457 Length Of Cervix (Cm)
14456 Cranial Nerves and Neurological Examination
14454 Pinhole
14455 Pinhole
14453 Duration of Contraception Discontinuation
14452 Other blood tests
14451 Renal Profile (RP)
14450 Lactate Dehydrogenas (LDH)
14132 Date of Confirm
14133 RR > 25
14134 MEWS > 3
14135 Sob/Lethargy
14136 New/Persistance Temperature
14137 SPO2 < 95
14138 Increase CRP
14139 ALC < 1.0
14140 Increase Ferritin
14141 CXR Worsend
14142 PF Ratio < 300
14126 Mental Health Assessment
14127 Do you sleep well ?
14128 Are you able to eat well ?
14129 Are you able to control your emotion ?
14130 Do you need any help ?
14131 *** Please asses patient's mental health status daily
14109 Perineum Ultrasound
14099 Position Of Gaze
14100 Significant Weight Gain (>10%) In Last One Year
14097 Female
14096 Male
14094 Bone Marrow Aspiration
14092 TW
14047 Sample
14041 No of Babies Delivered
14029 Lower Segment
14028 Peritonial Cavity
14027 Type of Caesarean Section
14026 Anaethesia (Type)
14025 Indication For Surgery
14024 Date Time Finished
14023 Date Time Started
14030 Engagement of Presenting Part
14031 Placental Site
14032 Placental Abnormality
14022 Type of Operation
14021 Post-operative Diagnosis
14020 Pre-operative Diagnosis
14019 Gross Specimen
14018 Date Time
14017 Post Operative Notes
14016 Post Operative Diagnosis
14015 Pelvic Peritonium
14014 Right Tube
14013 Left Tube
14012 Uterus
14033 Uterus
14011 Operation Finding
14010 Moro's Reflex
14009 Tone & Movement
14008 Children
14007 Children
14000 General Examination
13999 Ophthalmoplegia
13997 Proptosis
13996 Neck Examination
13995 Pretibial Myxoedema
13994 Mean Bp (mmHg)
13992 Systolic (mmHg)
13993 Diastolic (mmHg)
13990 Bleeding Complication (TIMI Criteria)
13989 Final Diagnosis at Discharge
13988 Total number of overnight stays
13987 ICU / CICU
13986 CCU
13985 Number of overnight stays
13983 Intubated Detail
13982 Date & Time ROM
13977 PEFR (If Indicated) (L/Min)
13969 Ticagrelor
13966 Specify
13965 Specify
13964 Specify
13963 Specify
13962 Specify
13961 Specify
13960 Specify
13959 Specify
13958 Specify
13957 History Of Thyroid Disease
13956 Present Pregnancy
13953 Neck Ct Scan
13952 Thyroid Histology
13951 Thyroid Fnac
13950 Histopathology
13947 Neutrophils
13946 Anti-Tsh Receptor Ab
13945 Anti-Tg Ab
13944 Anti-Tpo Ab
13943 Blood Results
13942 Total No. of Days of Nitric Oxide
13941 Organ Involved
13940 Pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary
13980 Thoracic Malignancy Assessment
13909 Thoracic Malignancy Assessment
13908 Date and Time Surgery
13907 Date And Time Ended
13902 Date And Time Started
13833 Monthly Income
13832 Occupation
13831 Education
13830 Religion
13834 Pills
13828 General and Systemic Examination
13827 Accompanying Person To Hospital
13818 Samples Handed Over To Police Officer
13808 Samples Handed Over To Police Officer
13817 Total No. of Samples
13807 Total No. of Samples
13806 Type of Clothes
13805 Collection of clothes
13804 Amniocentesis Tap
13801 Cardiovascular (CVS)
13800 Date and Time Surgery
13795 Age of Admission
13794 Delivery Type
13793 Preliminary Report
13792 Person(s) Present During Examination
13784 Laterality
13783 Laterality
13782 Laterality
13781 Laterality
13780 Laterality
13779 Laterality
13775 Instrument Set
13774 Swab Count
13772 Comments Regarding Referral
13771 Birth and Childhood History
13765 Ckd Retardation Factors
13764 Ckd Current Renal Function
13761 Treatment/Procedure
13760 Cpr Log
13758 AAEBRI
13751 First Used Substance
13750 Birth and Childhood History (Where Relevant)
13749 Number of Previous Attempts (ISH)
13721 CPR Cycle
13719 Other Actions
13718 Injuries
13717 Injuries Intervention
13716 Circulation Intervention
13715 Breathing Intervention
13714 Airway Intervention
13954 Position of Fetal Head
13713 Position / Comfort Intervention
13711 Position / Comfort
13710 Leaking Liquor
13708 Phone No
13712 Activation Time
13707 Activation Time
13705 Type of Malignancy
13702 Total no of days of CPAP/Bilevel CPAP
13701 Ventricles Size (mm)
13700 POG of Booking
13697 Palpable
13695 Conjunctival Hemorhage
13694 Head Swelling, if present
13692 Police Report
13691 Psychiatric illness
13690 Dapsa
13689 TIMI Risk Score
13688 Machine Used
13687 Formula Used
13686 History Investigation Result
13685 Rheumatology Past History
13684 Postductal Left Leg SPO2 (%)
13683 Postductal Right Leg SPO2 (%)
13682 Preductal Right Hand SPO2 (%)
13679 Imperforate
13678 Respiratory Rate (breaths/min)
13677 Heart Rate (beats/mn)
13676 Birth COH (cm)
13675 Exam Date/Time
13666 Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI)
13626 33cm
13624 Collection of Forensic Samples
13623 Collection of Forensic Samples
13618 Family Patient Consent
13617 Family Dynamic
13616 Realistic Expectation
13615 Team Members Involved
13614 soft Contact Lens
13611 Binocular Single Vision
13610 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
13609 Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
13665 Visual Analogue Scale For Tinnitus Annoyance (1: NOT ANNOYING, 10: EXTREMELY ANNOYING)
13607 Visual Analogue Scale For Tinnitus Annoyance (1: NOT ANNOYING, 10: EXTREMELY ANNOYING)
13664 Visual Analogue Scale For Tinnitus Loudness Perception (1: INAUDIBLE, 10: EXTREMELY LOUD)
13606 Visual Analogue Scale For Tinnitus Loudness Perception (1: INAUDIBLE, 10: EXTREMELY LOUD)
13605 A-scan
13604 Final Axial Length
13601 Reason for not transporting
13600 Disaster Triage
13599 Case Outcome
13597 Prescription Ear
13598 Non Shockable
13595 Shockable
13594 Non Shockable
13593 Shockable
13592 Airway Management
13591 DNAR
13590 Witnessed Arrest
13589 Bystander CPR
13588 CPR End
13587 Rhythem Analysis
13586 CPR Start
13585 Type of Response
13584 Slit-Lamp
13583 Status Of Vascular
13582 Zeamays to Maize
13581 Laboratory
13580 Postfilter
13579 Prefilter
13571 Which ear is louder:
13570 GLP1-RA
13569 Insulin Regimen
13568 Injectable Antidiabetic Agent
13567 Injectable Antidiabetic Agent
13566 Activity
13565 General Condition
13564 General Condition
13563 NR=No Response
13562 X=False Positive
13561 RAPD
13559 Preliminary Test
13558 Lens Parameter Verification
13556 Left Eye Distance
13555 Right Eye Distance
13552 Aim & Goal
13551 Aim and Goal
13550 Brief Medical History
13549 2 or 3
13548 0 or 1
13547 Maternal Hepatitis Reactive
13546 Maternal Vdrl
13545 Fall Risk (Kindly ensure Humpty Dumpty Scale is performed)
13542 What Is The Nature Of The Tinnitus?
13541 What Is The Nature Of The Tinnitus?
13540 Tinnitus Assessment
13539 Tinnitus Assessment
13533 Domestic Problem
13532 Social Problem
13531 History of Nicotine Replacement Therapy
13530 History of Nicotine Replacement Therapy
13529 Current Drug of Use
13528 Age of First Use
13527 Type of Substance Use (Lifetime)
13526 24 HUP (g/day)
13525 LDL (mmol/L)
13524 Cholestrol (mmol/L)
13523 HBA1C (%)
13522 FBS (mmol/L)
13521 Analysis
13520 Analysis
13519 Analysis
13518 Analysis
13517 Analysis
13516 Analysis
13515 Analysis
13514 Analysis
13513 Analysis
13512 Analysis
13511 Analysis
13510 Analysis
13509 Analysis
13508 Analysis
13507 Analysis
13506 Analysis
13505 Analysis
13534 Patient Demographic
13503 Developmental Milestones (Where Relevant)
13501 Duration of Untreated Illness (eg. Duration of Untreated Psychosis)
13492 Word Count 3 Months
13490 Medications Related to Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ):
13476 Loss of Appetite
13474 Nearest Health Clinic
13473 **Calculation regarding anthropometry invalid if height <150cm
13472 Total no of days of Oxygen Theraphy
13471 Total no of days of CIPAP/SIPAP
13469 Ambulance
13468 Mode of Transport to Hospital
13467 blast
13466 Penetrating
13465 Mechanism of Injury
13463 Fax
13462 Postal Address
13461 Total Word Count
13460 *Risk indicators that are marked with an asterisk are of greater concern for delayed onset hearing loss - refer even if pass screening.
13459 If High Risk, please tick (/) the risk factors:
13458 HRHNS
13457 Doctor's Name
13455 Screener's name
13452 Consent for Operation Procedure
13451 Common Future Calender
15470 Date And Time
15465 Date And Time
13449 Date And Time
13448 Date and Time of Assessment
13447 Mix Feeding
13446 Discharge Baby To
13444 Sexual Transmited Disease
13442 Type of Crime
13443 How many times?
13441 How many times?
13440 Whether on Substitution Treatment
13436 Type of substance
13435 When was the last use?
13434 Samples Handed Over To Police Officer
13431 Distant VA
13430 DOB
13428 Central Nervous System (CNS)
13416 Time of First Defibrillation
13413 Time of ECG
13406 Body Annotation
13405 Perempuan
13404 Lelaki
13402 M34.8
13401 M34.1
13400 M05.3
13399 M05.2
13398 M05.1
13397 Others Table
13395 Are they acute injuries?
13394 Are there any anal injuries?
13393 Do the anal injuries indicate
13392 Sign of blunt trauma?
13391 NAMA / NAME:
13367 Occupation History
13366 Investigation of Maternal Death
13365 Performance Status (Ecog)
13573 As Above
13572 As Above
13364 As Above
13363 Anatomy Structure & Physiology
13362 Anatomy Structure & Physiology
13361 Barthel Score
13360 Occupation/Financial Coverage
13359 Normal
13357 Other and Functional Assessment
13356 Date And Time Restraint Ended
13355 Method Diagnos
13354 Check
13368 Age
13353 Age
13352 address
13351 nama
13345 1. Risk Of Violence / Harm To Others
13344 Number of years smoked
13343 Number of cigarettes smoked per day
13342 For Smoker And Ex-Smoker
13340 Exomphalus: Potential infection
13339 Hydrocephalus: Emotional disturbance of parents
13338 Hydrocephalus: Potential of increasing intracranial pressure
13337 Hydrocephalus: Potential pressure injury over the head
13336 Hydrocephalus: Altered comfort
13335 Hypothermia
13334 Hyperthermia
13328 degC
13325 Balanz®
13324 Nutrineal®
13323 Physioneal®
13322 Icodextrin®
13315 Volume Of Each Bag:
13326 Volume Of Each Bag:
13321 Volume Of Each Bag:
13320 Volume Of Each Bag:
13319 Volume Of Each Bag:
13318 Volume Of Each Bag:
13317 Volume Of Each Bag:
13316 Volume Of Each Bag:
13314 Volume Of Each Bag:
13313 Do rectal examination
13312 Take smear from introitus
13311 Do not proceed for further vaginal examination
13308 Strasberg Classification
13307 Number of years smoked
13306 Number of cigarettes smoked per day
13305 HB, WBC, PLT
13303 Smoker/Vape
13302 Community Psychiatry Referral Letter
13301 Perform Location
13955 Date of Completion
13300 Date of Injury
13299 Nutrition Intervention (Plan) Monitoring & Evaluation
13298 Nutrition Focused Physical Findings
13297 Nutrition Related Biochemistry
13296 Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner / Morning Tea / Afternoon Tea / Supper
13294 Time Spent
13293 Time Spent
13292 Time Spent
13291 Time Spent
13290 Time Spent
13289 Time Spent
13288 Time Spent
13287 Time Spent
13286 Leg Swelling
13285 Weight loss, amount (kg)
13284 Weight gain, amount (kg)
13283 Lost of appettite (LOA)
13282 Fatigue
13281 Fever
13280 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
13279 Renal Impairment
13278 Osteoporosis
13277 Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
13276 Epilepsy
13275 Peptic Ulcer Disease
13274 Cerebrovascular Disease
13273 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Copd)
13272 Tuberculosis (Tb)
13271 Asthma
13270 Ischaemic Heart Disease
13269 Hypertension (HPT)
13268 Dyslipidaemia
13267 Diabetes Mellitus (Dm)
13266 Baseline Result
13265 Type of Radiation
13264 Effect
13263 Effect
13262 Effect
13261 Effect
13260 Effect
13259 Duration
13258 Duration
13257 Duration
13256 Duration
13255 Duration
13254 Blood Result
13253 4. How do you describe yourself the way you eat food?
13252 3. Have you ever wake up in the night to eat?
13251 2. Do you eat when you are in situation?
13250 1. Where do you normally have your meal at home?
13249 8. Willingness to come for follow up
13248 7. Willingness in increasing physical activity to assist in weight loss
13247 6. Level of knowledge on food and obesity (base of knowledge assessment form)
13246 5. Level of understanding on the risk associated with obesity.
13245 4. Support network
13244 3. Dieting attempts
13243 2. Stage of readiness to change nutrition-related behavious
13242 1. Reason to lose weight
13241 Please Tick Accordingly
13240 Needs Verification
13239 Notes for Follow Up
13238 Relevant Investigation
13237 Cause of Death
13236 Allergic and Adverse Reaction
13235 Food Intake
13234 Nutrition Assessment of Diet Intake
13233 Diet Recall
13232 Food Frequency
13231 Patient Has Attended Dietary Group Education
13230 Patient's Group Education Session
13223 Impression
13222 Impression
13221 Impression
13220 Impression
13219 Impression
13218 Impression
13217 Estimated Birth Weight (kg)
13216 Monitoring and Evaluation
13215 Assessment on Progress (Anthropometry/Biochemical/Clinical/Dietary
13214 Estimated Requirement
13213 Summary Of Nutrient Intake
13210 Name of Staff Who Ended Observation
13209 Name of Staff Who Initiated Observation
13207 SHIM/IIEF-5 Chart
13205 Others, please specify
13203 Tab Olanzapine Orally Disintegrating
13202 Im Zuclopenthixol Acetate
13201 Im Ziprasidone
13200 Tab Midazolam
13199 Im Midazolam
13198 Iv Midazolam
13197 Im Haloperidol
13196 Iv Haloperidol
13195 Iv Diazepam
13193 Splenectomy
13192 Weekly Dose (mg)
13191 Volume transfused
13190 Specify
13836 Specify
13445 Specify
13182 Humphrey Visual Field
13181 Automated Visual Field
13180 Schedule Of Monitoring Complications
13179 Procedure Stop Time
14572 Procedure Stop Time
13178 Procedure Start Time
14571 Procedure Start Time
13177 Place Of Treatment
13176 Other
13170 Unemployed reason
13169 During Menses
13167 Medical Diagnosis
13166 Medical Diagnosis
13165 Pharmacological Treatment At Notification
13156 Duration and Location
13155 Duration and Location
13154 Duration and Location
13153 Duration and Location
13152 Duration and Location
13150 Transfer/Referred
13149 Rhinology
13148 Signature (By ETD Doctor)
13145 If yes, look in the following areas:
13144 Laryngology
13142 Surgical History
13141 Contraception
13140 Severe
13139 Moderate
13138 Moderate
13137 Moderate
13136 Mild
13135 Mild
13134 Mild
13133 Normal
13132 Normal
13131 Voice consistently SOUNDS normal AND does NOT CALL attention TO itself. Patient able TO participate IN social activities requiring low OR high vocal demands which IS NOT limited BY his/her voice.
13125 Prolactin
13124 Testoserone
13123 FSH
13122 Voiding Difficulty
13115 Date of Last Pap Smear
13114 Samples for Baseline UPT and STI
13113 Samples for Baseline UPT and STI
13112 Reference Samples for DNA analyses
13111 Sampling for alcohol and toxicology analyses
13110 Collection of samples from the internal anus
13109 Collection of samples from the external anus
13596 Collection of Forensic Samples
13108 Collection of samples from the vagina
13107 Swabs from vulva
13106 Swabs from the penis
13105 Pubic Hair Cuttings
13103 Pubic Hair Combings
13099 Collect 3 swabs from oral cavity
13098 Plucked / Cut Head Hair
13096 Dia Kalah, Tetapi Telah Dianugerahkan Sebotol Bola Tenis Sebagai Hadiah Saguhati.
13095 Adam Menang Dua Perlawanan Pertama, Tetapi Disingkirkan Pada Perlawanan Ketiga. Aril Berjaya Melayakkan Diri Ke Separuh Akhir.
13094 Hearing Loss (NORL)
13092 Abnormality
13091 Abnormality
13090 Abnormality
13089 Abnormality
13088 Jangan Cuba Memasukkan Hasil Penulisan Yang Tersasar Dalam Pemarkahan. Penjelasan Kualitatif Seperti Berikut.
13087 Jika Pesakit Dapat Melakukannya Dengan Mudah, Tanya 5 Soalan Untuk Membantu Pesakit.
13086 Huruf Atau Nombor Yang Ditulis Oleh Klien Itu Sama Ada Betul Atau Salah.
13085 Selepas Itu, Pesakit Perlu Membacakan Soalan Dan Pilihan Jawapan (Seperti Yang Dilakukan Oleh Terapis) Tanpa Bantuan.
13084 Markah Diberi Jika Respon Difahami. Kesalahan Artikulasi Direkodkan.
13083 Mereka Membeli Ayam, Sayur Kobis Dan Buah Epal. Kemudian, Mereka Singgah Makan Tengahari Di Gerai Pak Mat. Mereka Pulang Ke Rumah Dan Siti Memasak Nasi Ayam.
13082 tayar kereta mereka pancit. Walaubagaimanapun, mereka sempat tiba di stesen keretapi dan Ali pun sempat menaiki keretapi tersebut.
13081 Auscultation
13077 Mental
13076 Main
13075 Mind
13071 Mental
13070 Main
13069 Mind
13064 Others, specify
13063 Trial Lens Specification
13062 Symphysis Fundal Height
13061 Fundal Height
13055 Pitch Pattern Sequence Test
13054 Gap In Noise
13053 Digit Span Test
13052 Double Dichotic Digit Test
13051 Masking Level Difference - 500 Hz
13050 For What
13049 Receptive Language Skills
13048 Word Count (every 3 months) 3months
13047 Outcome
13046 Location
13045 Provisional Diagnosis
13022 Borang Harta Benda Pesakit
13012 End Date
13011 Start Date
13010 Plan_4461
13005 Severity
13004 Direct Selection
13003 Symbol
13002 SFA Result
12873 Trauma
12922 Management
12865 Mode Of Arrival At Hospital
12863 Emergency Medical System (Ems)
13001 By Ultrasound
13000 By Ultrasound
12999 By Dates
12998 By Dates
12991 Tarikh / Date
12976 Nama / Patient Name
12977 Jantina / Sex
12978 Tarikh Lahir / Date of Birth
12979 Alamat Rumah / Home Address
12980 Tel. Number
12981 Sebab Kecacatan Penglihatan / Vision Loss Due To
12982 Lain Kecacatan / Any Other Handicap
12984 Keterangan Ibubapa / Penjaga / Details of Parent / Guardians
12985 Nama / Name
12986 Pekerjaan / Occupation
12987 Alamat Majikan / Employers Address
12988 Telefon / Telephone
12989 Riwayat Kesihatan Keluarga Jika Ada / Family Medical History If Any
12990 Dilapor Oleh / Recorded By
12983 No. Pendaftaran Buta / Blind Registration No.
12975 Sensory Level:
12974 Distribution Of Sensory Deficits
12973 Year
12972 Year
12971 Year
12970 Year
12969 Year
12968 Year
12967 Year
12966 Year
12965 Year
12964 Year
12963 Year
12961 Yes
12960 Exchange Transfusion
12959 Fall Risk (Kindly ensure Morse Fall Scale is performed)
12958 Toilet Training
12957 Medical Device
12956 Medical Device
12955 Medical Device
12954 Medical Device
12953 LMP
12952 Yes
12951 Self Harm
12950 Parent / Caregiver Educational Background (Highest Education)
12946 Varicocele Method
12949 Family's Expectations
12948 Yes
12947 No. of Cigarettes Per Day
12945 Cleft
12944 Mandible
12943 Orbit Eye
12942 Soft Tissue
12941 Maxilla
12940 Specify
12939 Distribution
12937 6. Others, specify
12935 Others, specify
12933 Others
12932 Others
12931 Digits
12930 Digits
12929 Tone
12928 Tone
12927 Movement
12926 Movement
12925 cm below left costal margin
12924 cm below right costal margin at mid clavicular line
12923 Appoitment Date
12915 Monitoring
12914 Monitoring
12913 Monitoring
12912 Monitoring
12917 Total Daily Dose (mg)
12916 Total Daily Dose (mg)
12911 Mean Daily Dose / kg
12910 Mean Daily Dose / kg
12909 Mean Daily Dose / kg
12908 Current Dose
12907 Current Dose
12906 Current Dose
12893 Other, specify
12894 Other, specify
12892 Comment
12891 Comment
12890 Comment
12885 Comment
12884 Comment
12883 Comment
12872 Arrive at Hospital
12871 Depart from Scene
12870 Arrive to Patient
12869 Arrive to Scene
12868 Depart to Scene
12867 Activation
12866 Activity
12864 Mode of Arrival at Hospital
12859 Type of Admission
12857 Age of Admission
12854 Date of Admission
12856 Time of Admission
12858 Type Of Injury
12862 Place Of Injury
12861 Mechanism Injury
12860 Injury Intent
12855 Age At Injury
12851 Others
12850 Order Information
12848 Case Type
12847 Problem List
12846 Number of Attempt
12845 Number of Attempt
12844 Location
12843 Tube Size (F)
12842 Tube Size (F)
12841 Location
12840 Anchor Lever (cm)